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Innovative Ideas for Private Security agencies

Facts & Figures against security guards

It’s honor to protect general public, as well as in private security agencies. Millions of Pakistani’s family who have threads about their lives, get daily new life just because of security guards. We salutes to them  guards .Day by day this world is going more terrible because of many certain reasons  such as easy to buy weapons and without license usage in Pakistan  as high approach’s with politicians etc. More over traditional fights in between families/communities to take revenge life against life only, so there is much tragic issues. Few words represents reality thousands of words “everything is come back on this world but life never come back” so we must no need to compromise on our lives at least.

Armed Vs. Unarmed Security

So the armed security officers are licensed  and well trained insured by armed forces done the with extra trainings  A majority of them had experience in armed forces Many of them stopped their carrier after retirement where unarmed have not in much threats like them so their trainings and all of that is not much efficient as compare to armed because every security company have different training sessions and techniques so no standard over there .

With innovative world we must have innovation in this service as well so here I am going to present new service given by the private security agencies

Custom Protection Office(CPO)

Well I am not a security guard I am going to introduced G4S its CPO program, I‘ve discussed with all professionals relevant to this post.  At this time only few companies providing this type service. The CPO service provide higher quality officer with the based on skills, experience and education, this is a best way to get something innovation rather to be in list of traditional backtrack private security companies.


so here is much informative innovative idea about security with video monitoring  franchise if any security got issue in franchise so all of the computer systems engaged got block no one get accesses on it so with  this system many things get in control via video monitoring  much efficient on low cost .

I think that both of new innovative ideas are beneficial in security agencies.  Hopefully no security guard company providing this kind of service anywhere in the  world But the thing is to keep in mind is these are only ideas without real facts and figures so there is no guarantee that ‘ll make your company success or not  .
A man should be efficient must rather than more hard worker same as like security guards must be efficient more than Highly  trained and experienced  However this make many questions between clients and security Consultants Even if they don’t buy into that innovation, BUT YOU ‘LL BE THE BEGINNER OF THIS INNOVATIVE IDEA IF YOU IMPLEMENT.


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